3-Way Column Speaker
LTV LCS339 products make it possible to control the vertical directivity pattern and aim the sound where you want it - at the listener.

Each LTV LCS339 Column Speaker consists of 9 units of 3" driver with 3-way Phase Coherent Crossover System, offering clear sound, excellent directionality of focus on the listening area, and even distribution of sound over a wide range.
These speakers are well-suited for venues with highly reflective interior surfaces such as conference centers, houses of worship, and railway stations.

Smart Meeting Room | Auditorium | Ballroom | Seminar | Café | Resto | Hotel | Classroom | Worship | Conference
Contact us for inquire:
M: +62 813 16205858
E: sales@aquila-data.id
E: info@aquila-data.id
E: inquire@aquila-data.id
Website: www.aquila-data.id
LinkedIn: Aquila Data Indonesia
IG: aquiladata