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QSC NV-32-H allows multi-stream video encoding or decoding for network-based HDMI video distribution

QSC NV-32-H Enables native HDMI and audio distribution without additional control processors, bridges or complicated programming.

Q-SYS Shift™ video compression codec dynamically adjusts network bandwidth consumption based on video content, delivers the right balance of quality, latency, network efficiency and scalability for meeting room video applications.

Integrate Q-SYS video cameras and audio via USB into all major UC&C conferencing applications, such as Microsoft Teams or Zoom.

With 3x HDMI inputs and 2x HDMI outputs, the NV-32-H enables emerging room design scenarios, such as simultaneous 1080p60 streaming for dual-monitor rooms, with a single device.

Smart Meeting Room | Auditorium | Ballroom | Seminar | Café | Resto | Hotel | Classroom | Worship | Conference

Call us For inquire and demo in Indonesia +6221-29376145.

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visit us at or text us via WhatsApp +6281212378970

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